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搜索关键字:scheduling repeating    ( 957个结果
GDUFE ACM-1019 Repeating Characters
题目:http://acm.gdufe.edu.cn/Problem/read/id/1019 Problem Description: Input: The first line of input contains a single integer P,(1 <= P <= 1000), whic ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2016-09-21 23:16:04    阅读次数:245
LeetCode 387. First Unique Character in a String
Given a string, find the first non-repeating character in it and return it's index. If it doesn't exist, return -1. Examples: Note: You may assume the ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2016-09-21 06:46:53    阅读次数:118
分类:其他好文   时间:2016-09-17 19:24:37    阅读次数:132
Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters
Given a string, find the length of the longest substring without repeating characters. Examples: Given "abcabcbb", the answer is "abc", which the leng ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2016-09-17 00:32:49    阅读次数:152
以下是这段时间抽时间刷的前5题,都是自己想的解法,或许不是最优解,只是整理下,方便日后优化提升 1. Two Sum: 2. Add Two Numbers: 3. Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters: 4. Median of Two So ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2016-09-12 23:49:33    阅读次数:224
Linux bug 14258279: scheduling clock overflows in 208 days
早上同事反映数据库不能用。无法正常登录主机。多次尝试后终于登上主机,检查系统日志发现下述错误: BUG: soft lockup - CPU#5 stuck for 17163091988s! 貌似是操作系统的bug. 以下是详细信息: # uname -ra Linux Test-DB01 2.6 ...
分类:系统相关   时间:2016-09-12 18:52:11    阅读次数:244
LeetCode-Longest Substring with At Least K Repeating Characters
Find the length of the longest substring T of a given string (consists of lowercase letters only) such that every character in T appears no less than ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2016-09-09 15:10:28    阅读次数:101
3. Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters
分类:其他好文   时间:2016-09-09 15:09:43    阅读次数:105
[LeetCode] Longest Substring with At Least K Repeating Characters 至少有K个重复字符的最长子字符串
Find the length of the longest substring T of a given string (consists of lowercase letters only) such that every character in T appears no less than ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2016-09-08 12:43:19    阅读次数:124
LeetCode #3 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters
Given a string, find the length of the longest substring without repeating characters. Examples: Given "abcabcbb", the answer is "abc", which the leng ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2016-09-08 12:42:25    阅读次数:113
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