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搜索关键字:real-time    ( 466个结果
UVALive 4839 HDU 3686 Traffic Real Time Query System
题意: 寻找图中从一条边到另一条边的路径上必须经过的点的个数 思路: 首先必经过的一定是割点  因此可以先做点双连通然后缩点  缩完点后形成了树  而且树上的路径是满足“非割点-割点-非割点-割点-…”这样的模式的  路径u->v只需要求出他们的lca  则答案可以通过(dis[u]+dis[v]-dis[lca]*2)/2算出 注意: 这题缩点是通过边来进行的  因为这样可以使每条边都...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-08-30 15:12:49    阅读次数:356
Apparatus, system, and method for automatically minimizing real-time task latency and maximizing non-real time task throughput
An apparatus, system, and method are provided for automatically minimizing Real-Time (RT) task latency and maximizing Non-Real Time (NRT) task through...
分类:移动开发   时间:2014-08-21 13:09:04    阅读次数:325
facebook chat 【转】
Facebook Chat, offered a nice set of software engineering challenges:Real-time presence notification:The most resource-intensive operation performed i...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-08-08 17:26:26    阅读次数:311
Real-time storage area network
A cluster of computing systems is provided with guaranteed real-time access to data storage in a storage area network. Processes issue request for ban...
分类:Web程序   时间:2014-08-07 12:34:09    阅读次数:437
WebRTC(Web Real Time Communication)并不是Google原来自己的技术,在2010年,Google以大约6820万美元收购了VoIP软件开发商Global IP Solutions公司,开源了WebRTC实时通信项目。 语音引擎是GIPS的语音通信的杀手锏,...
分类:Web程序   时间:2014-08-05 00:06:08    阅读次数:401
Streaming Video with RTSP and RTP
The Code In this lab you will implement a streaming video server and client that communicate using the Real-Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) and send data using the Real-time Transfer Protocol (RTP). Y...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-08-04 11:06:37    阅读次数:413
LIVE555研究之二RTSP、RTP/RTCP协议介绍 一、RTSP协议概述    RTSP(Real-Time Stream Protocol )是一种基于文本的应用层协议,在语法及一些消息参数等方面,RTSP协议与HTTP协议类似。RTSP被用于建立的控制媒体流的传输,它为多媒体服务扮演“网络远程控制”的角色。RTSP本身并不用于传送媒体流数据。媒体数据的传送可通过RTP/RTCP等协议来完...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-08-02 12:53:43    阅读次数:341
RTP 参考文档RFC3550/RFC3551 Real-time Transport Protocol)是用于Internet上针对多媒体数据流的一种传输层协议。RTP协议详细说明了在互联网上传递音频和视频的标准数据包格式。RTP协议常用于流媒体系统(配合RTCP协议),视频会议和一...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-08-01 19:35:52    阅读次数:342
(算法竞赛入门经典 优先队列)LA 3135(前K条指令)
A data stream is a real-time, continuous, ordered sequence of items. Some examples include sensor data, Internet traffic, financial tickers, on-line auctions, and transaction logs such as Web usage lo...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-08-01 13:47:14    阅读次数:235
Single-stack real-time operating system for embedded systems
A real time operating system (RTOS) for embedded controllers having limited memory includes a continuations library, a wide range of macros that hide ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-07-28 11:26:00    阅读次数:301
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