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搜索关键字:nic information    ( 5727个结果
实例化Font类时,当传入参数为不存在或未安装的字体时,Windows系统会用Microsoft Sans Serif字体替代该字体。 Msdn: "For more information about how to construct fonts, seeHow to: Constru...
分类:Web程序   时间:2014-08-07 12:38:59    阅读次数:290
The Bags Are Quickly Going The Way Of Extinction
Not only will you get the results within a few seconds, the websites of the company will have all the information you need to decide for yourself. The...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-08-07 12:36:49    阅读次数:260
MySQL执行计划不准确 -概述
为毛 MySQL优化器的执行计划 好多时候都不准确,不是最优的呢(cpu+io)??? 因素太多了::  存在information_schema的信息是定期刷新上去的,好多时候不是最真的,甚至相差好大(非高山峰时好好利用一下analyze table等); 现在一个企业有钱没地方花,买一大堆固态磁盘,碰巧非智能的MySQL不能很好滴跟上硬件优化的节奏,可能超过一部分的...
分类:数据库   时间:2014-08-07 00:51:27    阅读次数:382
Disk array controller and information processing apparatus
A disk array controller has a function of relocating a plurality of data blocks stored in a disk array. The controller includes a read unit which read...
分类:移动开发   时间:2014-08-07 00:44:27    阅读次数:323
基于 Apache Mahout 构建社会化推荐引擎
推荐引擎简介推荐引擎利用特殊的信息过滤(IF,Information Filtering)技术,将不同的内容(例如电影、音乐、书籍、新闻、图片、网页等)推荐给可能感兴趣的用户。通常情况下,推荐引擎的实现是通过将用户 的个人喜好与特定的参考特征进行比较,并试图预测用户对一些未评分项目的喜好程度。参考特...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-08-06 18:22:53    阅读次数:344
User Commands
archiveCreates a hadoop archive【v.存档; n.档案文件;档案室; 】. More information can be found at Hadoop Archives.distcpCopy file or directories recursively. More...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-08-06 08:23:31    阅读次数:202
configure: error: Try adding --with-zlib-dir=. Please check config.log for more information.----------------------------------------------------------...
分类:Web程序   时间:2014-08-06 01:22:41    阅读次数:274
关于报错:Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at
8月5日,第一个项目即将完成,测试时,发现登录功能会出现小问题:记住密码的时候会报错Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at经过再三在百度上查询,终于查到错误的关键原因...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-08-05 22:15:40    阅读次数:195
ORA-600 [729] "UGA Space Leak" (文档 ID 31056.1)
Note: For additional ORA-600 related information please read Note:146580.1PURPOSE: This article discusses the internal error "ORA-600 [729]", what ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-08-05 15:40:39    阅读次数:237
Caused by: java.lang.SecurityException: Permission Denial: not allowed to send broadcast android.intent.action.HEADSET_PLUG
crash information:Caused by: java.lang.SecurityException: Permission Denial: not allowed to send broadcast android.intent.action.HEADSET_PLUG from at....
分类:移动开发   时间:2014-08-05 13:52:59    阅读次数:1317
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