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DiscuzSecurity 服务器版安全工具1.0.0 beta
discuz-security 服务器版安全工具功能:文件更改监控。文件备份当监控的目录有php文件被更改后,对此文件进行扫马,如果命中目标,则从备份文件中恢复原始文件到监控目录。环境:Linux ≥ 2.6.13Python ≥ 2.4 (including Python 3.x)使用:文件解压缩...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-09-29 10:52:57    阅读次数:208
【MongoDB】The high Query operation of MongoDB(一)
In the last blog, we talked about the basic operation of MongoDB, including insert, query, remove and update. Now in this blog, we will further hava a good understanding of  querying operation.  At f...
分类:数据库   时间:2014-09-22 01:35:41    阅读次数:233
A multiprocessing system including an apparatus for optimizing spin-lock operations
A multiprocessing system having a plurality of processing nodes interconnected by an interconnect network. To optimize performance during spin-lock op...
分类:移动开发   时间:2014-09-22 00:56:21    阅读次数:394
uva--1339 - Ancient Cipher(模拟水体系列)
1339 - Ancient CipherAncient Roman empire had a strong government system with various departments, including a secret service department. Important d....
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-09-21 00:05:59    阅读次数:295
Oracle 分区表中索引失效
当对分区表进行 一些操作时,会造成索引失效。当有truncate/drop/exchange操作分区 时全局索引会失效。exchange的临时表没有索引,或者有索引,没有用including indexes的关键字,会导致局部的索引失效,就是某个分区失效重建局部索引只能用alter index lo...
分类:数据库   时间:2014-09-19 01:07:14    阅读次数:457
Atomic operations on the x86 processors
On the Intel type of x86 processors including AMD, increasingly there are more CPU cores or processors running in parallel. In the old days when there...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-09-18 00:46:13    阅读次数:230
uva 1339
Ancient Roman empire had a strong government system with various departments, including a secret service department. Important documents were sent bet...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-09-17 23:09:32    阅读次数:338
Virtual address cache memory, processor and multiprocessor
An embodiment provides avirtualaddresscachememory including: a TLB virtualpage memory configured to, when a rewrite to a TLB occurs, rewrite entry dat...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-09-17 13:33:42    阅读次数:300
Cache index coloring for virtual-address dynamic allocators
A method for managing a memory, including obtaining a number of indices and acacheline size of acachememory, computing acachepage size by multiplying ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-09-17 13:21:52    阅读次数:287
(ISO/IEC 14882:2011 section 12.7.4):Member functions, including virtual functions (10.3), can be called during construction or destruction (12.6.2).Wh...
分类:编程语言   时间:2014-09-13 00:40:34    阅读次数:382
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