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搜索关键字:choice    ( 840个结果
hdu3001 Travelling
Problem Description After coding so many days,Mr Acmer wants to have a good rest.So travelling is the best choice!He has decided to visit n cities(he insists on seeing all the cities!And he does no...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-06-22 16:26:38    阅读次数:137
随机,迭代(2) (参考 http://www.cnblogs.com/vamei/p/3174796.html)
随机:import sample from *random.choice(seq) # 从序列的元素中随机挑选一个元素,比如random.choice(range(10)),从0到9中随机挑选一个整数。random.sample(seq,k) # 从序列中随机挑选k个元素random.shuff.....
分类:Web程序   时间:2015-06-19 11:45:04    阅读次数:188
java把excel数据批量导入到数据库中,java导入excel数据代码如下 1.    public List GetFromXls(String xlsname){ 2.         3.        List choices = new ArrayList();    4.        Choice choice=null; 5.        try ...
分类:数据库   时间:2015-05-25 16:43:54    阅读次数:295
sgu-247 Difficult Choice
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-05-18 14:47:36    阅读次数:187
HttpClient Quick Start Download ‘Binary‘ package of the latest HttpClient 4.3 release or configure dependency on?HttpClient?and?Fluent HC?modules using a dependency manager of your choice as de...
分类:Web程序   时间:2015-05-13 13:16:58    阅读次数:210
Normally, RTSP provide streaming over UDP. By nature, UDP is a better choice as it provides robust streaming capability for media. However, it is unli...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-05-07 00:40:26    阅读次数:178
批处理 细节记录
@echo off从当前命令行开始起不输出到屏幕上pause 暂停处理:top 跳转锚点 和goto top 跳转到锚点根据选择跳转到锚点choice /c:123 /m "1:a,2:b,3:c"if errorlevel 3 goto pushif errorlevel 2 goto synci...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-04-27 09:37:27    阅读次数:124
django (七) 第一个django app 创建表单
首先,在polls/detail.html里添加:{{ poll.question }}{% if error_message %} {{ error_message }}{% endif %}{% csrf_token %}{% for choice in poll.choice_set.a...
分类:移动开发   时间:2015-04-20 20:28:27    阅读次数:202
(转)RTSP - RTP over TCP
Normally, RTSP provide streaming over UDP. By nature, UDP is a better choice as it provides robust streaming capability for media. However, it is unli...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-04-18 23:45:23    阅读次数:400
超简单的listview单选模式SingleMode(自定义listview item)
来源:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8337180/custom-single-choice-listview/12823457#12823457 1.在listview item里面设置 <RadioButton android:id="@+id/radio1" android:checked="false" a...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-04-18 14:37:42    阅读次数:169
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