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搜索关键字:.science    ( 847个结果
New York University
Graduate School of Arts and Science (GSAS)https://cs.nyu.edu/webapps/content/academic/admissionsPhDDeadline for PhD addmission for Fall 2015: Dec 12Ma...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-11-12 00:18:50    阅读次数:204
Trees on the level
Background Trees are fundamental in many branches of computer science. Current state-of-the art parallel computers such as Thinking Machines' CM-5 are based on fat trees. Quad- and octal-trees are f...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-11-11 22:56:41    阅读次数:239
HDU 5078 Revenge of LIS II(dp LIS)
Problem Description In computer science, the longest increasing subsequence problem is to find a subsequence of a given sequence in which the subsequence's elements are in sorted order, lowest to hig...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-11-06 21:57:19    阅读次数:187
BestCoder#16 A-Revenge of Segment Tree
Revenge of Segment TreeProblem DescriptionIn computer science, a segment tree is a tree data structure for storing intervals, or segments. It allows q...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-11-06 08:11:28    阅读次数:240
HDU5086——Revenge of Segment Tree(BestCoder Round #16)
Revenge of Segment TreeProblem DescriptionIn computer science, a segment tree is a tree data structure for storing intervals, or segments. It allows q...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-11-02 12:20:55    阅读次数:191
HDU5087——Revenge of LIS II(BestCoder Round #16)
Revenge of LIS IIProblem DescriptionIn computer science, the longest increasing subsequence problem is to find a subsequence of a given sequence in wh...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-11-02 12:04:13    阅读次数:140
[ACM] HDU 5086 Revenge of Segment Tree(所有连续区间的和)
Revenge of Segment Tree Problem Description In computer science, a segment tree is a tree data structure for storing intervals, or segments. It allows querying which of the stored segments c...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-11-02 10:50:48    阅读次数:232
The 3n + 1 problem
Problem DescriptionProblems in Computer Science are often classified as belonging to a certain class of problems (e.g., NP, Unsolvable, Recursive). In...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-10-27 17:34:09    阅读次数:198
Eddy's mistakes
Problem DescriptionEddy usually writes articles ,but he likes mixing the English letter uses, for example "computer science" is written frequently "co...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-10-27 17:15:21    阅读次数:239
sicily 1034. Forest
DescriptionIn the field of computer science, forest is important and deeply researched , it is a model for many data structures . Now it’s your job he...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-10-26 15:35:34    阅读次数:169
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