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搜索关键字:row_number over    ( 9475个结果
projecteuler---->problem=22----Names scores
sing names.txt (right click and 'Save Link/Target As...'), a 46K text file containing over five-thousand first names, begin by sorting it into alphabetical order. Then working out the alphabetical v...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-06-20 10:37:22    阅读次数:230
Outer Join Query Over Dblink Can Fail With ORA-904 (Doc ID 730256.1)
Outer Join Query Over Dblink Can Fail With ORA-904 (Doc ID 730256.1)To BottomModified:03-May-2013Type:PROBLEMIn this DocumentSymptomsChangesCauseSolut...
分类:数据库   时间:2014-06-13 13:41:16    阅读次数:376
Python笔记-Grouping Records Together Based on a Field
Grouping Records Together Based on a Field Problem You have a sequence of dictionaries or instances and you want to iterate over the data in groups based on the value of a...
分类:编程语言   时间:2014-06-08 18:22:29    阅读次数:280
POJ 3615 Cow Hurdles.
Description Farmer John wants the cows to prepare for the county jumping competition, so Bessie and the gang are practicing jumping over hurdles. They are getting tired, though, so they want to be ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-06-08 15:55:10    阅读次数:199
uva 101 The Blocks Problem (基本算法-模拟)
uva 101 The Blocks Problem (基本算法-模拟) 题目大意: 问题就是分析一系列的命令,告诉机械臂如何操纵放在一个平台上的积木。最初平台上有n个积木(编号由0到n - 1),对于任意的0 ≤ i < n - 1,积木bi都与bi + 1相临 机械臂操作积木的有效指令列举如下: (1)move a onto b a和b都是积木的编号,先将a和b上面所有的积木都放回原处,再将a放在b上。 (2)move a over b a和b都是积木的编号,先将a上面所有的积木放回原处,再将a放在b上...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-06-08 15:49:01    阅读次数:220
[Oracle] 分析函数(1)- 语法
语法概述 下面看一个例子简单过下语法: 例: sum(sal) over (partition by deptno order by ename) new_alias sum就是函数名 (sal)是分析函数的参数,每个函数有0~3个参数,参数可以是表达式,例如:sum(sal+comm) over() 是开窗函数,这是开启分析函数的起点,对于既可作为聚集函数又可作为分析函...
分类:数据库   时间:2014-06-08 05:09:07    阅读次数:329
Linux 内核 链表 的简单模拟(2)
接上一篇Linux 内核 链表 的简单模拟(1) 第五章:Linux内核链表的遍历/*** list_for_each - iterate over a list* @pos: the &struct list_head to use as a loop cursor.* @...
分类:系统相关   时间:2014-06-07 22:09:58    阅读次数:451
ORACLE SQL 获取连续28天有销售的店铺
最近公司一SSRS报表需求改变,同比店铺的选取为连续28天有销售的店铺,思考良久,发现可以利用ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY COLUMN01 ORDER BY COLUMN02)来实现,ROW_NUMBER()从1开始,按照COLUMN01分组以及COLUMN02排序...
分类:数据库   时间:2014-06-05 20:55:28    阅读次数:451
UVA 712 - S-Trees
题目如下: S-Trees  A Strange Tree (S-tree) over the variable set is a binary tree representing a Boolean function .Each path of the S-tree begins at the root node and consists ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-06-05 11:04:37    阅读次数:248
More praise for FLIPPED"We flipped over this fantastic book, its gutsy girl Juli and its wise, wonderful ending."--The Chicago Tribune"Delightful! Del...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-06-02 20:03:59    阅读次数:2055
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