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搜索关键字:machine-learning    ( 1129个结果
Stanford CS229 Machine Learning by Andrew Ng
CS229 Machine Learning Stanford Course by Andrew Ng Course material, problem set Matlab code written by me, my notes about video course: https://githu ...
分类:系统相关   时间:2019-06-27 00:59:40    阅读次数:218
机器学习---逻辑回归(二)(Machine Learning Logistic Regression II)
在《机器学习 逻辑回归(一)(Machine Learning Logistic Regression I)》一文中,我们讨论了如何用逻辑回归解决二分类问题以及逻辑回归算法的本质。现在来看一下多分类的情况。 现实中相对于二分类问题,我们更常遇到的是多分类问题。多分类问题如何求解呢?有两种方式。一种是 ...
分类:系统相关   时间:2019-06-23 20:48:12    阅读次数:170
Project ECON 427
Project ECON 427, 1. Predicting Stock Price MovementsThe goal of this project is to predict stock pricesby applying machine learning techniquesto data ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2019-06-12 19:51:48    阅读次数:66
Manifold learning 流形学习
Machine Learning 虽然名字里带了 Learning 一个词,让人乍一看觉得和 Intelligence 相比不过是换了个说法而已,然而事实上这里的 Learning 的意义要朴素得多。我们来看一看 Machine Learning 的典型的流程就知道了,其实有时候觉得和应用数学或者更 ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2019-06-11 13:34:52    阅读次数:123
[科普] CPU, GPU, TPU的区别
Google Cloud 原文链接:https://cloud.google.com/blog/products/ai-machine-learning/what-makes-tpus-fine-tuned-for-deep-learning 机器之心翻译链接:https://baijiahao.b ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2019-06-07 12:34:43    阅读次数:111
AI 30个demo
https://medium.mybridge.co/30-amazing-machine-learning-projects-for-the-past-year-v-2018-b853b8621ac7 ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2019-06-06 20:56:26    阅读次数:99
[Machine Learning for Trading] {ud501} Lesson 23: 03-03 Assessing a learning algorithm | Lesson 24: 03-04 Ensemble learners, bagging and boosting
A closer look at KNN solutions What happens as K varies What happens as D varies Metric 1 RMS Error In Sample vs out of sample Which is worse? Cross v ...
分类:系统相关   时间:2019-06-05 09:55:41    阅读次数:138
[Machine Learning for Trading] {ud501} Lesson 21: 03-01 How Machine Learning is used at a hedge fund | Lesson 22: 03-02 Regression
a data-centric way to build predictive models The ML problem Supervised regression learning Robot navigation example How it works with stock data Exam ...
分类:系统相关   时间:2019-06-05 09:42:34    阅读次数:137
[Machine Learning for Trading] {ud501} Lesson 19: 02-09 The Fundamental Law of active portfolio management | Lesson 20: 02-10 Portfolio optimization and the efficient frontier
this lesson => Buffet said two things => (1) investor skill => (2) breadth / the number of investments Grinold's Fundamental Law breadth => more oppor ...
分类:系统相关   时间:2019-06-05 09:39:21    阅读次数:148
[Machine Learning for Trading] {ud501} Lesson 25: 03-05 Reinforcement learning | Lesson 26: 03-06 Q-Learning | Lesson 27: 03-07 Dyna
The RL problem Trading as an RL problem Mapping trading to RL Markov decision problems Unknown transitions and rewards What to optimize? Learning Proc ...
分类:系统相关   时间:2019-06-05 09:32:19    阅读次数:174
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