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搜索关键字:power of cryptograph    ( 3192个结果
UVA - 10298 Power Strings (KMP求字符串循环节)
Description Problem D: Power Strings Given two strings a and b we define a*b to be their concatenation. For example, if a = "abc" and b = "def" then a*b = "abcdef". If we think of concatenation a...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-07-20 09:39:37    阅读次数:263
poj 2109 Power of Cryptography
Power of Cryptography Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 30000K Total Submissions: 18408   Accepted: 9292 题目大意  给出两个数n,k 要你求个数ans  ans^n=k 关于题目中的数据范围完全可以用double完爆  没必要用到二分...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-07-20 00:15:46    阅读次数:196
poj 2406 Power Strings KMP
Description Given two strings a and b we define a*b to be their concatenation. For example, if a = "abc" and b = "def" then a*b = "abcdef". If we think of concatenation as multiplication, exponentiat...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-07-19 23:47:19    阅读次数:418
Visual F# Power Tools 简介
Visual F# Power Tools 简介 Auto-generating XmlDoc (via F# XmlDoc extension)Formatting document / Formatting selection (via Fantomas extension)Navigation bar (see this article)Highlight re...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-07-19 23:18:17    阅读次数:299
Power Strings
poj2406:http://poj.org/problem?id=2406题意:给你一个串,让你找出这个串是由哪个串循环得到,出处循环的次数。题解;知道了KMP,用next数组直接搞定。判断ans=len%(len-next[len])==0?len/(len-next[len]):1; 1 #i...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-07-19 12:21:07    阅读次数:391
POJ训练计划1459_Power Network(网络流最大流/Dinic)
解题报告 这题建模实在是好建,,,好贱,,, 给前向星给跪了,纯dinic的前向星竟然TLE,sad,,,回头看看优化,,, 矩阵跑过了,2A,sad,,, /************************************************************************* > File Name: PowerN.cpp > Author: _nplu...
分类:Web程序   时间:2014-07-19 12:09:09    阅读次数:310
[zoj 3774]Power of Fibonacci 数论(二次剩余 拓展欧几里得 等比数列求和)
Power of Fibonacci Time Limit: 5 Seconds      Memory Limit: 65536 KB In mathematics, Fibonacci numbers or Fibonacci series or Fibonacci sequence are the numbers of the following integer sequence...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-07-19 11:48:45    阅读次数:239
POJ2406 Power Strings 【KMP】
Power Strings Time Limit: 3000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 31388   Accepted: 13074 Description Given two strings a and b we define a*b to be their conca...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-07-18 18:15:31    阅读次数:252
UVALive 6472 Powers of Pascal
题目的意思是: 给了一个无穷大Pascal矩阵,定义了powers,然后询问power为P的pascal矩阵里面的第R行C列的元素是多少。 最开始读错题意了...然后 就成了一个神得不得了的题了。后来请教的别人。 感觉可以用矩阵快速幂做。 然后,不用快速幂的话,你会惊奇的发现,变成了找规律的题了... 答案成了 comb(i,j) * P^(i-j) 对于comb(i,j),利...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-07-18 12:37:08    阅读次数:191
MongoDB GridFS规范
This is being changed for 2.4.10 and 2.6.0-rc3.Tyler Brock's explanation:Now that the server uses power of 2 by default, if the default chunk size for...
分类:数据库   时间:2014-07-18 12:20:42    阅读次数:430
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