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搜索关键字:specific    ( 1538个结果
WPF 引用字体资源
外部字体文件 1.WPF-Xaml资源引用 把一个名为“ChineseCharacterSpecialFont.ttf”的ttf文件,放在WpfApp2工程下。引用方式如下: 1 <Window.Resources> 2 <FontFamily x:Key="HanziCharacterFontFa ...
分类:Windows程序   时间:2020-04-24 13:04:59    阅读次数:374
【LeetCode 1. Two Sum】
Given an array of integers, return indices of the two numbers such that they add up to a specific target. You may assume that each input would have ex ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2020-04-21 18:36:52    阅读次数:67
1338B - Edge Weight Assignment
题意:给出一棵树,要求给树上的每条边赋权值,使得任意两个叶子节点的路径上所有权值异或之后为0,边数n范围为[3,1e5],求使用的不同权值数的最小值和最大值。 题解: 任取一个叶子节点为树根建树。则题意可转化为 首先考虑最小值 由异或的性质(a^b^b=a,总存在c使得对任意a,b有a^b^c=0) ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2020-04-19 10:57:12    阅读次数:65
A Plus Equals B
Problem: A?+?B is a problem used to test one's basic knowledge for competitive programming. Here is yet another boring variation of it. You have two i ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2020-04-16 22:50:39    阅读次数:182
Modelsim 仿真错误集锦
1、Module 'count' does not have a timeunit/timeprecision specification in effect, but other modules do 我仿真时出现这个错误是因为在源码中我加了 #1,在源码的module前面没有加 `timesca ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2020-04-06 23:53:14    阅读次数:364
FConn.ProviderName := FProviderName; if FConn.ProviderName='SQL Server' then begin FConn.SpecificOptions.Values['Provider'] := 'prDirect'; FConn.Speci ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2020-04-05 13:14:12    阅读次数:71
Saltstack module inspector 详解
inspector.query Query the node for specific information. Parameters: scope : Specify scope of the query. System : Return system data. Software : Retur ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2020-03-28 21:35:10    阅读次数:99
POJ3585 Accumulation Degree(二次扫描与换根法)
Trees are an important component of the natural landscape because of their prevention of erosion and the provision of a specific ather-sheltered ecosy ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2020-03-26 23:12:43    阅读次数:109
Rocket - debug - TLDebugModuleInner - Program Buffer Access
https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/EJVqw7JPjjaib68tENl5AQ 简单介绍TLDebugModuleInner中的Program Buffer Access。 1. implementation-specific bits set by harts executin ...
分类:数据库   时间:2020-03-22 13:33:45    阅读次数:75
is.na and is.element is.na can use which, it finds specific rows, is.element can't, it is designed to find NA in a whole table d[is.na(d)] <- 0 is.ele ...
分类:编程语言   时间:2020-03-19 22:07:41    阅读次数:136
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