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搜索关键字:tiles    ( 240个结果
Educational Codeforces Round 13 C
Description Little Joty has got a task to do. She has a line of n tiles indexed from 1 to n. She has to paint them in a strange pattern. An unpainted ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2016-06-15 20:35:29    阅读次数:183
POJ1979 Red and Black
速刷一道DFS Description There is a rectangular room, covered with square tiles. Each tile is colored either red or black. A man is standing on a black til ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2016-06-14 23:44:01    阅读次数:180
poj 1979 Red and Black -- dfs
Red and Black Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 30000K Total Submissions: 29614   Accepted: 16095 Description There is a rectangular room, covered with square tiles. Eac...
分类:其他好文   时间:2016-05-12 16:36:23    阅读次数:169
springMVC 与 struts+hibernate+spring优缺点
分类:编程语言   时间:2016-05-09 14:29:44    阅读次数:508
springMVC 与 struts+hibernate+spring优缺点
springMVC: Spring 框架是高度可配置的,而且包含多种视图技术,例如 JavaServer Pages(JSP)技术、Velocity、Tiles、iText 和POI。Spring MVC 框架并不知道使用的视图,所以你可以自主的选择视图。Spring MVC 分离了控制器、模型对象 ...
分类:编程语言   时间:2016-05-09 12:42:30    阅读次数:193
win10 uwp 活动磁贴
本文翻译:https://mobileprogrammerblog.wordpress.com/2015/12/23/live-tiles-and-notifications-in-universal-windows-10-app/ 我会写很多质量很低文章,文章都是胡说,如果看不懂可以发到邮箱 动态磁贴是看起来很好看的东西,放在开始菜单,看来是下面图...
分类:Windows程序   时间:2016-04-29 15:01:27    阅读次数:253
Red and Black
Problem Description There is a rectangular room, covered with square tiles. Each tile is colored either red or black. A man is standing on a black til ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2016-04-22 23:41:28    阅读次数:208
HDU 搜索练习 Red and Black
Red and Black Problem Description There is a rectangular room, covered with square tiles. Each tile is colored either red or black. A man is standing ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2016-04-17 20:33:16    阅读次数:157
hdu 1312 Red and Black (bfs)
Problem Description There is a rectangular room, covered with square tiles. Each tile is colored either red or black. A man is standing on a black til ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2016-04-15 19:56:05    阅读次数:140
ArcGIS Server开发教程系列(3)切片
切片工作,我们可以一级一级的切,也可以,所有的一块切,Recreate All Tiles这项是说,在没有进行任何的切片工作时,可以选用这项;Recreate Empty Tiles这项是说,如果之前已经对某一级进行了切片,再重新切片时,可以选这项,具体可以查看帮助;Delete Tiles这项可以 ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2016-04-15 11:42:00    阅读次数:738
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